Monday 19 July 2010

Y13: Top Ten Gothic Films

1. Nosferatu - 1922
2. Rebecca--1940--directed by Alfred Hitchcock
3. The Uninvited--1940something--Brother and sister buy a haunted house. Fun, scary Gothic
4. Dragonwyck--1940something--starring Gene Tierney who move to her cousin's mysterious mansion
5. The Innocents--1960something--GREAT adaptation of "The Turn of the Screw" starring Deborah Kerr as the governess for two charismatic/demonic children.
6. The Haunting--1960something--starring Julie Harris. Adapted from Shirley Jackson's novel about a woman in a haunted house investigation.
7. The Legend of Hell House--1970something--More of a horror film than others listed, but still a classic Gothic haunted house tale
8. The Changeling--1980something--Elegant, old fashioned Gothic haunted house tale
9. Haunted--1990something--set in the 1920's, Aidan Quin stars as a ghost hunter in this elegant film
10. Jane Eyre--most recent version

Thursday 8 July 2010

Y13: Nosferatu

If you want to watch the old Nos again, you can find it here.