Tuesday 6 December 2011

Y12: Rossetti on the BBC

Episode image for Christina Rossetti

Have a look at this link to the BBC programme on Rossetti. It's a brilliant series anyway, but this episode is particularly relevant for you. Let me know what you think.


Tuesday 15 November 2011

Y13: Research

Find out something interesting about Transylvania

Also, take a look at:

And only if you're feeling geeky:

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Y12 Pride and Prejudice Timelines

Take a look at this site to make your Pride and Prejudice timelines. Make sure you have AT LEAST a dozen events on it. You can even embed it on your blog, if you can figure it out. Make sure that we are going to be able to see it this Friday.

If you have not already read it, get to it quick!

Friday 7 October 2011

Thursday 6 October 2011

Y12 Secret Heaven.

If you've got a couple of hours free, take a look at this. It's based on the story of Heloise and Abelard which inspired Rossetti's The Convent Threshold.

Just be aware that although the film is a 15 certificate, there is a very, very rude bit about an hour in. I strongly suggest you skip over it.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Y12 The Blessed Damozel

Take a look at this poem by Dante Rossetti.

How does it compare with The Convent Threshold?

Thursday 29 September 2011

For all you book worms

The New Amazon Kindle is out.

Give it a few years and you'll all have one (or similar).

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Y12 Blogs

Please put your blog address in the comments section below.


Y12 Ballads

Have a read through some of the ballads on this site. How do the destinations of these poem compare with the destination of Cousin Kate?

Y13 Blogs

Please leave your blog address in the comments of this post.


Monday 26 September 2011

Y12/Y13 Blogs

Well done to all of you for your recent big posts. Brilliant ideas and superbly explored.

And to those not up to date, BEWARE! I know who you are!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Y12/13 Marlowe

Marlowe was a contemporary of Shakespeare who was hugely popular in his time. He's also one of my favourite characters from history thanks to the strange stories and conspiracies surrounding him.

You will need a decent working knowledge of Marlowe for next year. Start at teh fountain of knowledge that is wikipedia.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Y12/13 Othello

As English Literature students, this should excite you!

We are going to see Othello at the Crucible.

There is also a 'page to stage' talk prior to the performance, which should spark the interest of you drama folk out there.

The trip will be on 12th October 2011.

The cost is £15. Come and see me for more info and a letter.

Friday 17 June 2011

Y12-Y13 Gothic texts

Firstly, I must apologise for the delay in getting this up. The school internet provider decided to block access to blogspot for staff and it's been fun trying to get through the proxy.


Here are the details of the texts you will need to get for next year. We usually ask the Waterstones in Orchard Square in town to stock up on these, but they can often be a little cheaper online so it's up to you how you get them.

Doctor Faustus, Christopher Marlowe, Oxford World Classics, ISBN 978-0-19-953706-8

Dracula, Bram Stoker, Vintage Classics, ISBN 978-0-099-51122-9

The Bloody Chamber, Angela Carter, Vintage Books, ISBN 978-0-099-58811-5

Monday 23 May 2011

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Y13: Homework

You will need to do some specific research for next week.

Look at http://www.delpiano.com/carnival/html/commedia.html (this is the correct website!) and find out about the different types of characters - I will test you on them on Monday when look at Puss in Boots.

I WILL now be in your P2 lesson on Thursday. However, if you don't get this note in time, then you will still need to complete your reading of The Courtship of Mr Lyon and answer the following question:

Is The Courtship of Mr Lyon intended to be in the style of a traditional fairy tale? 500-700 words

Thursday 3 February 2011

Y13: Blog addresses

Pop your blog address in the comments section below and make sure you are following everyone!

Y13: Laura Mulvey. What?

This week, you will be mostly researching Laura Mulvey's essay 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema'

Blog your thoughts.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Y12: blog addresses

Put your blog address here in the comments.

Make sure you follow everyone. ;)