Tuesday 25 September 2012

Y13: Comedy

Some additional reading for you on renaissance comedy.


-Mr. F.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Y12: Blogs

Comment on this post, giving your own blog address.

Friday 14 September 2012

Y13: Your essay title

‘Faustus is introduced in a way that prevents the audience from seeing him in any kind of a positive light.’

To what extent does the introduction of Faustus give a purely negative impression of his character?

I want to see evidence of planning. Hand in at end of the lesson and I'll collect it next week.

Go! Go! Go!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Y13: Research

Your blogging task for this week.

***Why was there tension between Catholics and Protestants in Renaissance/Elizabethan England? 100 words.***

Try looking here, here and here. There's loads of other stuff out there and a whole section in the LRC. (822.3 and 942.05)


The year formally known as Y13 (Y14?): Well Done

A quick post to say a massive 'well done!' to all you lovely A2 students leaving us. Excellent results. I'm very proud of you all. Now, go out and spread your literary goodness around the world.

(Be sure to credit us when you're rich and famous.)

Mr. F.